Did I Bless That?

“Greg, get up! It’s another day in which to excel.” When my husband was a child, his father would wake him every morning with those words. Needless to say, he excels at all he undertakes. His father planted good seed in him.

A farmer selects seed based on what he wants to grow. Seed is an investment as is the knowledge and equipment that will nurture it. A single seed will produce exponentially more crop. Reaping happens in a completely different season from sowing.

Our words are seeds. What we plant is what we will harvest. Negative words bring forth curses; and positive words, good fruit. We have the power to give life or death to not just an individual but circumstances. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21) It is easy to overlook this powerful truth as concerns our family members (we are prone to hurt those we love with our words). This principle carries into almost every area in our life including ourselves – we can be our own worst denigrators.

How many times have you found yourself complaining to someone about your kids, spouse, or parents recapping their negative characteristics, especially when you are frustrated with them? Those words spoken over them are destructive – a death curse. They bear no good fruit – just tares and thorns.

Far too often negative behaviors are retold in detail to God during prayer. God knows the situation – it’s not necessary to echo the problem. The retelling gives life to the problem and may expose someone unnecessarily. Negative words serve only the purposes of advancing the kingdom of darkness.

In Romans 4, Paul tells how God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, which means “father of a multitude.” This was done when Abraham was old and had no children. God spoke life over Abraham – “…God…calls those things which do not exist as though they did.” (Romans 4:17) Every time Abraham heard his name, he was reminded of God’s promise for him.

It is difficult when we are frustrated with someone to speak positive words, even in prayer. It helps to use God’s Word and turn scripture to prayer over someone. God’s promises for you are the same ones He has for others. By speaking blessings and calling the things which we do not yet see as though we do, (the same thing God did with Abraham) we are planting godly seed and advancing God’s kingdom. God always watches over His Word so it accomplishes His purposes. When we utilize His Word, we are in agreement with God’s will. You may not see the harvest of your positive words immediately, but be patient and trust that there will be a reaping in the perfect season.

“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live”. (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Go plant some good seed.

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