Friday Men’s Devotional (2 Tim 3)

A wonderful Friday morning to you, my friend!  Praise God as He has helped us through another week!

Read 2 Tim 3.

In this portion of his second letter to his protege Timothy, Paul opens by detailing the characteristics of men who will live in the last days. He clearly states that because of their evil characteristics, the last days will be “perilous times”.  As you consider that, note that ages or days or times are not inherently evil of their own accord, but they become “perilous” due to the people who are living during that particular time.

And the list of the evils of men living during the last days is lengthy!

It takes Paul 8 full verses of scripture to detail all of the ways that these “last days men” are able to express their wickedness.  Since none of these verses of 2 Timothy 3 are generally considered “memory verses”, pay careful attention as you read this portion of this morning’s passage to all of the various  evils men are able to embrace – and think about what we hear or read in the news each day.

In the second portion of this short chapter, Paul shifts gears and holds himself out to Timothy as an example of a man of God who has been able to persevere through trials and troubles. Since we find ourselves walking through some turbulent times, we would do well to walk in Paul’s example. And one of the keys that Paul gives Timothy (and all of us, as men of God) to surviving and overcoming tribulation in our lives is to embrace the Holy Scriptures.  As a matter of fact, he tells us that the Scriptures are (vv 15) “able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”  The Scriptures themselves bring wisdom, even wisdom leading to salvation!

And then he closes this passage by stating that the Scriptures will help each of us, as Believers, be made complete and not just equipped, but THOROUGHLY equipped for the work to which our Good God has called each of us during these perilous times (vv 17): “that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

LORD, I thank You that through Your Word, You have equipped me to help build Your Kingdom. Father, renew my love and desire for the Holy Scriptures, and through them, give me the perseverance and endurance I need to walk with You during these perilous times. Amen!

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