Good Friday morning, my friend – the Friday before Pentecost Sunday!
Read Eph 5:1-21.
This passage is particularly appropriate to read as we approach the day in which we celebrate the filling of the church with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2)!
As believers, we are called in many ways to be the “ekklesia”; that is, the called out, the called forth, the assembly, the church. These verses from Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus paint a picture of what, exactly, that “calling out” looks like to us as individual followers of Christ. We are to…
…be imitators of God.
…walk in love.
…remove ourselves from uncleanliness, idolatry, and all activities that would serve to separate us from Our Lord.
…walk as children of light.
…seek out what is acceptable to The LORD.
…expose the works of darkness.
…redeem the time given to us by God.
…be filled with The Spirit.
And as a result of being filled with His Spirit, we, as believers, and as His church, we all will begin “speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.” .
What a picture this paints of a people, a church, an assembly operating in the manner that is both pleasing to Our Good God AND attractive to those who are still seeking a saving relationship with Him through Jesus Our Lord!
Brothers, let us strive today to live out this scripture, and be the church that this world, this troubled world, so desperately needs! Amen!