Joy is fleeting like a dove
It swells its feathers within my heart
And captures my mind with its dance
My arms embrace the fullness until
My feet move me in its contagious wake
Leaving me elated to the center of my being
It seems when I am fully immersed in the delight
Joy flees leaving but a memory in its wake
Such is the joy of the things in the world
But the joy that comes from the Spirit
Does not land and leave a memory
That joy is the eternal memory-maker
It comes in a rush – in power
Beginning in the center of my being
Flooding my heart, my soul and my mind
That joy becomes a lifestyle
It doesn’t leave me – it’s always there to access
A joy that cannot be eclipsed by those outside
A joy that manifests love precluding someone
Else from changing the temperature in me
A joy that outshines what my eyes see
A joy beyond what my ears detect
A joy that surpasses what my heart feels
And a joy that transcends what my mind thinks
It stands – when I am not
It is strong when my knees are weak
It is enduring when my flesh faints
It is – always
Lord Jesus, help us to receive joy into our lives the way your disciples and followers in the early days did: not looking at our bounty or our lack, our circumstances, our fleshly limiters. Give us a clear picture of joy and let us reflect it to others that they would see the joy we have in You; let the reflection of Your joy soften their hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen.