I love salt! Several of my friends with medical issues have had to give up using the salt shaker. I don’t know how I would survive without salt. I have several containers in my home – it is as important as toilet paper – I just can’t run out of salt! Maybe you are like me and love what it does to food; maybe you are like some of my friends who have had to give it up; or maybe you never liked extra salt (although I can’t image that). Salt is necessary and vital to our bodies.
Salt helped to keep the Israelites alive as they journeyed for forty years through the wilderness. To a culture without refrigeration, it cured and dried meat; to a people without antibiotics, it helped with infection; to a discerning palate, it enhanced flavor; to a person without money, it was a valuable commodity to trade; sacrifices were seasoned with it; and it was used in pottery.
We tend to think of salt as seasoning, not life-saving as the Israelites viewed it. Salt, in the right proportion, enhances the flavor of certain foods. Yet when there is too much salt, the flavor of it overwhelms the food and results in it no longer being pleasant to the tongue or the stomach. Too little salt, and there is no evidence of its’ existence.
In Matthew 5:13, Jesus tells us we are the salt of the earth. As Christians, we are called to be salt to the world – seasoning – spice – enhancer of life – even, life-saving, leading to the Life Savior. To fill that role, it is necessary for us to hit just the right balance of our witness of Jesus Christ in just the right places – If we are not a good reflection of Jesus in us, we are displaying too little salt; If we attempt to beat unbelievers into submission with the Word, we are displaying too much salt.
Lord, help us to be salt to the world in the right proportion for the current situation. Help us to assess the circumstances correctly that we might shake out just the right amount of Jesus in us to attract our acquaintances, friends, loved ones and strangers to You. You know the heart of everyone – help us to be Your hands, feet, and heart here on earth in the perfect quantity. Thank You for saving me – help my life lead others to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.