On more than one occasion, in the midst of a storm, I have been tempted to take matters into my own hands. The truth is, I have given into that temptation more times than I care to recount. I have pursued my own ideas for solutions to the gale rather than trust God and His righteousness. In those cases, my resolutions never really put the trouble to bed, but rather delayed its departure and prolonged its presence in my life. In some instances, my remedy actually caused the hurricane to strengthen and bring in more debris. My ideal is, when everything seems to be coming against me and the very foundations of the world seem to be crumbling, I will not fear. Because my Lord is on the throne – He cannot be done-in by evil. His eyes see everything. He knows what is good and what is evil. He alone will judge in His righteousness, even when I think He doesn’t see or when I don’t see His justice.
Read Psalms 11:1-7
- Who do I run to in the middle of the storm?
- Do I stay in His protection when the storm lasts longer than I anticipated?
- Do I seek my own way out or His solution?
- Do I seek out my own version of justice?
- Through my own idea of justice, does evil rise up in me?
Lord, let me not take action to seek justice that would cause me to be evil. Let me always remember that You are seated on high always no matter what I see here on earth. I know that You judge rightly. Help me not to run from You when trouble comes, but let me run to You for Your protection and Your solutions. Thank You, Lord, for Your love that seeks my good and not my harm. In Jesus’ name, Amen.