
I’m a collector.  I collect things.  Some of my collections enrich and enhance my life and the lives of those around me; and some are as distracting as a hungry alligator in a crowded shopping mall.  I pick things up as I travel including things better left alone.  Like a shopaholic who buys things they don’t need, I “purchase” potentially detrimental things to add to my collections. My currency is my time, my attention, and my energy.  I gather things – worry about tomorrow, worry about today, worry about things that are not in my charge, anger, manipulation, offenses, perceived offenses, others’ offenses, Martha-thoughts, shame, humiliation, self-centeredness – I could go on and on.  All of these things steal my focus, my time and my energy – I am no longer a good steward of what I have been entrusted with in this world.  The collections steal from me, from God, from my relationships, and from the Kingdom of God here on earth.  I rob not just myself, but because I am tied up with my collections, I rob from those who need an ear, a hand, a word.

And to top it all off, when I want to get in His presence, I can barely see or focus outside of all these things I have collected.  So one-by-one, I consciously let go of each collected item. I come bound, but I find freedom.   I resolve to do better, but then tomorrow comes and I find myself collecting useless things yet again.

Lord, help me to not pick up those things are better left to the side of the road I travel.  Help me to recognize the collections for what they are in the scope of Your big picture – time stealers, energy robbers, and attention diverters.  Let me instead give each problem and care as it surfaces to You, leaving myself unencumbered to worship You, serve those I come in contact with, and contribute to the expansion of the Kingdom here on earth – all to Your glory. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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