Sometimes it is easy to discern others as the wicked, the sinners, and the scornful. But it seems more difficult to see those things that grieve God in ourselves. We point to others to hide the imperfections in ourselves.
Read Psalms 1:1-6 and reflect on these points:
- Where do I walk, sit, and stand, and in whose company?
- Do I talk to myself about God’s precepts?
- Am I firmly planted in God bearing fruit and leaves? (I must have leaves for growing fruit.)
- Do I push forward in God or in my own power?
- Am I driven by the wind or do I stand on truth?
Lord, help me to lay aside gossip and any speaking that does not edify, encourage, exhort or build up. Father, I delight in Your precepts and I ponder them by talking to myself day and night. I know that Your precepts, Your law, are a reflection of Your love for me. I shall be and am a tree firmly planted by Your channel of living water bringing forth fruit, whose leaf shall not faint. And in You Lord, whatever I do shall prosper, shall push forward, break out, come out. In Jesus’ name, Amen!